Shop an extensive and extraordinary selection of potent and flavorful cannabis concentrates at Just Jane. Our San Mateo and Juan Tabo dispensary locations provide accessible, comfortable, and inviting destinations for adults 21+ from anywhere across the country. An abundance of options include universal and POD style cartridges, badder, crumble, shatter, and more for the ultimate in vaping, dabbing, and consumption versatility and benefits.
Dabs, Shatter, Budder, and More
Among our showcase of popular brands, you’ll find the best from Bloom, Pharmers Quality, and Elevated. When you choose concentrates from Just Jane, you take advantage of the most desired compounds. The excess plant material is stripped away to leave behind the sought-after cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. You’re going to appreciate the incredible THC percentages, flavors, and aromas.
We Have Quality Cannabis Concentrates
Relaxing, socializing, getting energized, inspiring creativity, better sleep, and therapeutic properties such as pain relief are reasons to explore cannabis concentrates at Just Jane. Our friendly staff is happy to help you navigate, explain options and make sure you’re confident in your decisions. We welcome leisurely browsing in-person or online. We offer the added convenience of in-store pickup and professional and secure delivery across the greater Albuquerque Metro area.